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Our Classes

Our timetables are available to download below for both our Sleaford and Lincoln Studios.

Studio Class Timetables



How To Enrol

We are welcoming new students, both Children and Adults at this time.


Whether you're new to the area or simply looking to try something new, we're always keen to hear from prospective pupils. Whilst our classes have capacity limits, we do have some limited available spaces. We also have waiting lists for our most popular classes and will always look to add new classes where possible.


An enrolment form must be completed before joining and unfortunately we cannot accept drop-ins at this time.


If you are interested in joining our school, please contact us by email


Sleaford -


Lincoln -


Or call us during term time and we'd be happy to chat about our classes:


Sleaford - 01529 300930


Lincoln - 01522 524875

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